Virtual Burning Fireplace DVD Screensaver for TV

Turn your widescreen plasma TV or LCD TV into a wood-burning fireplace. Add a touch of warmth and beauty to any room without becoming a burden. You won't believe how great Virtual Fireplace DVD Screensaver HD video quality is, and the crackling fire sounds perfect.
Virtual Fireplace DVD Free Overview
Enjoy the warm glow and ambience of a wood-burning fireplace. Continuous hours of hd quality 3d video these two unique brick and stone virtual fireplaces can provide an unmatched elegant look of a real wood fire and supply charm and comfort to your home or office year round.
Once played, the roaring fireplace video will loop indefinitely until the user presses stop, providing hours of entertainment and relaxation.
Digitally mastered in Dolby AC-3 audio virtual crackling fireplace offers you the option of hearing natural the snap, crackle, and pop of a roaring fire and in the warm glow of the virtual firelight.
Buy one of the best Burning Fireplace DVD Screensavers
Virtual Burning Fireplace DVD Screensaver Allows You To:
- Choose from brick and stone virtual fireplace video shot for high-end home theater systems.
- Watch video in widescreen, letterbox or standard TV with no stretching, distortion and black bars.
- Watch your favorite virtual fireplace over and over. Play once or loop infinitely, providing hours of entertainment.
- Hear sounds of the snap, crackle, and pop of a burning fireplace fire. Choice from two Dolby AC-3 audio tracks.
- Plays on ANY DVD player, anywhere in the world (Region Free)